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Dogs + Others

  • An agility trial is a competitive canine sporting event where dogs of various breeds navigate obstacles and are judged on speed and accuracy. Agility training can be a fun activity with many benefits for you and your dog.

  • Children often have very close relationships with pets, and especially with dogs. Losing a pet dog is inevitable and may be the child's first experience of death, but there are ways for parents and others to help the child cope with it. With care and support, your child can grow through the grief and heal.

  • Cryosurgery is the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue. In animals, the technique is used to treat tumors in locations where conventional surgery would be difficult or impossible. Cryosurgery is sometimes also used for the removal of aberrant or extra eyelashes (distichiasis).

  • Hospitals providing curbside care have restructured their practice to avoid the need for clients to enter the lobby and exam rooms. This measure was designed to promote physical (social) distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, it may be used in other situations. This handout discusses the benefits and best practices of curbside care.

  • This handout discusses excessive drooling (hypersalivation) in dogs. There can be many causes for this complaint. Abnormal causes include nausea or gastrointestinal issues, oral pain or irritation, and conformation of the jowls. A short discussion of the more common causes is included. Further diagnostic and treatment options depend on the underlying cause.

  • Dreaming is similar in dogs as it is in people and is a normal part of the rest period. Nightmares do not appear to be typical, but you can see different breathing patterns and some movement of the legs while your dog is dreaming.

  • The simple answer to a complicated, much researched question is, yes! Dogs do recognize our facial expressions which makes them wonderful family members.

  • Dogs are not completely color blind, as they can see yellow and blue, as well as shades of gray. Their eye structure allows them to see better in dim light compared to people. Near-sightedness is common among dogs.

  • Dogs have an uncanny ability to process human language using both the left and right sides of the brain. Dogs can build a significant vocabulary. Much like a human infant, dogs recognize intonation and body language to interpret a word’s meaning. Combining vocabulary with perception of tone and body language enhances a dog’s ability to communicate with humans.

  • Dogs love to run. Dogs love to jump. Dogs love to swim. If your dog likes to do all three, why not investigate the relatively-new canine sport of dock diving? It’s a competitive event where dogs are judged on how far or how high they leap from a stationary dock into a body of water.