Strokes in Cats
Do cats have strokes?
Strokes or cerebral vascular accidents (CVA) are rare in cats. A stroke is defined as a sudden interruption in blood supply to any part of the brain.
What causes a stroke?
Anything that can block an artery supplying the brain can cause a stroke. One possible cause is a blood clot such as a thrombus or embolus that lodges in a blood vessel in the brain (cerebrum). This is also known as a thromboembolism or an embolism.
Cerebral bleeding from head trauma can also cause a stroke. Bleeding disorders such as a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) or exposure to certain types of rodenticides can also cause cerebral bleeding as the blood cannot clot appropriately. See handout “Thrombocytopenia in Cats” for more information on this condition.
The cause of most strokes is unknown.
What age and breeds of cats are most at risk of having a stroke?
The age at which a cat may suffer a stroke tends to be related to the underlying systemic disease or cause of cerebrovascular disease. Cases have been reported from ages 2 to 21 years.
No breed has been identified as predisposed to having a stroke.
What are the signs of a stroke?
Signs of a stroke are variable depending on the regions of the brain affected, and the degree and duration of blood and oxygen deprivation. There may be collapse, a head tilt, blindness, circling, stumbling, rapidly moving pupils, or simply disorientation. Seizures and sudden death can also occur. Affected cats may also show abrupt changes in behavior.
How is a stroke diagnosed?
Because many other conditions can have some of the same clinical signs, diagnosing a stroke may be a case of ruling out other possibilities. This process often requires extensive tests, including blood work, imaging, blood clotting analysis, looking for evidence of infectious disease, and analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the ideal diagnostic test for diagnosing a stroke and its consequences in the brain.
What is the treatment?
Treatment is complex and there is no guarantee of complete success. It is important to find the underlying cause of the stroke, if possible. Thrombolytic drugs (clot-busters) are used in human medicine, but their use has not been established in animals.
What is the prognosis?
Some cats will recover most of their motor functions and movement, though treatment of the underlying cause of the stroke plays a big part in the cat’s ultimate prognosis. Your veterinarian will help you assess progress and plan remedial action.
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